Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ode to My Partner

I have a dear, dear friend named Deb and this blog post is honor of her. I could not have asked for anyone more different than me, yet so perfect for me in a work partner. You see, Deb and I aren’t just colleagues. We’re partners. We’re like Sherlock and Watson. Where there’s trouble to be found, we find it. And as much as I would love to claim to be Sherlock Holmes (who wouldn’t?), I would probably have to be plain old boring Watson. She is the crazy one who gets us into trouble and I am the one she calls to get her out of it. :) I am so thankful for her, because she’s made my work days so much more enjoyable. She shares my passion for ESL students, can finish my thoughts and knows who I want to slap and why I want to slap them without me having to say more than their last name.  We have the same vision for our kids (students) and would both do anything for them. She goes above and beyond for our students, never settling just for teaching and grading. She has inspired me to think outside the box. I never would have planned a trip to Washington D.C. for thirty refugees who have no money, if she hadn’t told me we could do it. And she was right. Nothing stops her. She is a force to be reckoned with, which means you better hope you are on her side and not against her. :)  I am thankful to have her on my side. The only reason I can leave my classroom and my babies at EGHS is because I know she is there to take care of them. Well, by now this post is getting to serious and sappy for Deb, so I will move on.

The other things I love about her:

Her committment to dieting. Every week she’s on a diet and every morning she is eating her Hardees or Mickey D’s breakfast bowl.

Fat Free Fridays…..this should be an international holiday.

Her brownies. I typically hate chocolate frosting on brownies, but Deb makes amazing Funfetti chocolate frosted brownies that are to die for!

Her love for her kids (her real kids that is) and how she is ALWAYS talking about them. She’s an inspiring mama!

The quote “Don’t you just want to do that for me?” when someone gives her paperwork to fill out. :)

I’ll do all the paperwork she wants, because when a task requires having to piss someone off to get something done around the place, she does it for me. Good cop. Bad cop. It works with staff and students alike. :)

The fact that she shares with EVERYONE my embarrassing “partner” comment.

The fact that she follows it up with telling everyone WE got engaged in Boston and WE’RE having a baby!!!

Her humor (sometimes :).

The way the kids call her Miss Bole. And I always say… Bolesssssssssssssssss with an S!

Her generosity.

And last, but not least…her friendship.

Because she’s more than a colleague. She’s my partner!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Newborn Diaries Chapter 7: The First 6 Weeks

I can’t believe it’s already been six weeks! These have been the longest, yet fastest days of my life. As I think back over the past 6 weeks, I am filled with gratitude, awe and the urge to shout from rooftops “I survived!” So, what have I learned?

I have learned that children are a great means to learn to “die to oneself” . The countless hours of no sleep, constant feeding, burping, diaper changing, holding and crying are enough to make one go crazy and sometimes a girl just wants 5 minutes to go to the bathroom without having a child scream the whole time! It’s in these moments, when I would really rather finish writing my blog post, that I realize just how selfish I am and how selfish Christ wasn’t. Christ never said “Hold on a minute God. I’ve got errands that I’m not finished running and friends I haven’t gotten to talk to in a while, so if you could just let me finish building that boat, then I will go love people.” Of all people, Jesus had the most reason to be selfish because he knew what was coming. He knew that he was literally sacrificing his life, dying on a cross, for people who spat on him and to this day deny him. My greatest sacrifice is a few hours of sleep and extended patience for the cutest, cuddliest thing ever. It pales in comparison to the sacrifice and love of Jesus Christ. So, I am learning to daily ask for grace and patience, borrowed from my Savior, that I might love and serve the precious little gift God has given me.

I have learned the value of community and gratitude. I have never been so grateful for community. I have been blessed to have amazing friends and family who have forsaken their time and their plans to come sit with me while I sob through my baby blues, hold my child so I can nap, bring me lunch so I can eat and even clean my house. I have never been so thankful for the church because they have really gathered around me to be the hands and feet of Jesus. They have done that which I cannot do, all the while telling me it’s okay to ask for help, it’s okay to rest and it’s okay to not have it all figured out. I have learned that the deepest gratitude goes beyond words.

I have learned (or rather just been strongly reminded) that God has blessed me with an amazing husband. He loves me and our little boy beyond description. He is a servant to us both regardless of his own exhaustion. He endured the crazy baby blues and the countless tears. During the gluten & dairy free phase he spent endless hours cooking and preparing “g & d free” meals for me. He doesn’t sleep through the nights while mom gets up every hour. Even in the breastfeeding stage, he would wake up and bring Eli to me. Now that we bottle-feed he has taken on the brave task of the night shift. He gets up with the little man any time he wakes up between midnight and 6 am so that I can sleep because he knows I have him the rest of the day. Even though our little man can frustrate him every 3AM, he still finds the little guy adorably cute the other 23 hours of the day. I am thankful for who he is and how he lives his life. I am constantly reminded that God is living and working in our lives and am thankful that my husband wants more than anything to know and love God more than he knows and loves me. I know that the only reason he loves me so well and can be so different from so many other men is because of the work Christ does in him.

I could go on for pages, but the most accurate synopsis of these six weeks is simple. I am truly blessed.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Newborn Diaries Chapter 6: Breastfeeding Is Best, but Formula Isn't Fatal

Oh, the saga! To breastfeed or formula feed that is the question. Actually, it wasn’t originally. The original plan was to breastfeed because as everyone knows it’s better for your baby and it’s free, but then came the thrush and the death grip/latch of my child. When you get thrush within the first 48 hours of your child’ life, the breastfeeding experience is immediately a horrible one. You never really get to experience normal breastfeeding and your child never really gets to learn how to do it properly. His thrush causes him to eat every 45 minutes and when he has a death grip/latch that causes you to bleed there is inevitably trouble.

We tried and we tried hard. We endured the pain, took all of the antibiotics and applied special ointment; we even went on a gluten and dairy free diet. We cried every meal time (both of us). He screamed for more and more and I practically had an anxiety attack before and after every feeding. It was TERRIBLE. On top of it all, there is the guilt and pressure. The guilt because I really wanted to breastfeed my child, but now I don’t. Am I a terrible mother because I hate this experience? How horrific is it that I don’t want to be with or hold my baby because I am so terrified he will want to eat again? They say it’s a beautiful bonding experience, but this is not healthy bonding for me. So, then we tried pumping. It was such a relief physically and mentally for a few days. I could provide my child with breast milk and not live in constant agony, but then it took its toll. I was pumping every 2 hours and feeding him every 3. You do the math to figure out how exhausting that might be. Add to that math only pumping 2 ounces after a 45 minute pumping session, for a child who eats way more, and the numbers will tell you this isn’t going to work.

So, what do I do? The pressure is everywhere. Everyone I know breastfeeds, my doctor’s office has a live-in lactation consultant I have to face weekly, and every internet article on feeding assumes that I am breastfeeding. Even the formula cans condemn me with their “Experts Agree, Breastfeeding is Best” stickers! And you know what? Breastfeeding is best. Breastfeeding is proven to increase your child’s immunity and improve his health. It develops a healthier brain and can help prevent diseases like cancer later on in life. It helps restore a mother’s health as well and even lose that baby weight! But formula isn’t fatal. For my little guy and me, it’s been life-giving. I am now strictly formula feeding my little guy and we are getting along great! The first four weeks of his life he didn’t gain any weight. One week on formula and he did. I don’t dread feeding him and I’ve stopped having anxiety attacks about feeding him. He can eat as much as he wants and we finally bonded. Formula isn’t the ideal choice, but there is no sin or shame in formula feeding. Feeding my child is about providing him nourishment to grow and safe, secure protection in mommy’s arms. Judging by his sweet chubby cheeks and the smile on his face, we are doing just fine.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Newborn Diaries Chapter 5: Rush Hour

When you finally do get to leave the house, you quickly learn that you only have a 2 hour window before the faucet starts leaking again. Even if the faucet isn’t leaking, you’ve still only got 2 hours before your little one is either leaking himself or wants to turn the faucet on for you. So, plan your outing wisely and if you’re smart you will leave ASAHS (as soon as he sleeps!)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Newborn Diaries Chapter 4: Raise Your Glass

My friend Carrie calls her coffee “mommy crack.” My friend Deb drinks a glass of wine a night. Now, I know why. Here’s to survival!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Newborn Diaries Chapter 3: Poop, Poop & More Poop

They say all babies do is eat, sleep and poop, but I’m amazed at what my little guy can do with all that poop! Just the other night we went out to dinner with my in-laws. My little man slept peacefully through the whole thing; it was wonderful! Then, I get home to find that he has pooped all the way through both the diaper and the onesie, leaving a lovely pile in his car seat for me to clean up (and yes, I do mean “pile”.) The worst part was that even after cleaning the car seat out, it still wreaked the next morning and we had to go to church like that! Two days later, the little man does it again! Only this time, he was sitting on my lap. And yes, you guessed it; he pooped all over my pants!  The next day, he was kind enough to lay off the poop, but decided to pee all over my jeans instead. I had just changed his diaper. I had just washed those jeans. But on the bright side, the talented little guy somehow managed not to get the diaper wet! I just don’t know how he does it!

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Newborn Diaries: Chapter 2 The Leaky Faucet

(WARNING: This post is not intended for boys. Read at your own risk.)

Who knew a girl could leak from so many places? Let’s just be real here, leaking is not fun. You leak from the top, you leak from the bottom. You have to buy special attire for all elements of your body and you are afraid to go out in public because they might see you leak. You walk slowly and carefully, because, well for one it hurts to move and for two, you are a leaky faucet. You wear layers of clothing (and now pads at both ends) and I pray for you that it isn’t summer time because between the layers and the heat, you add sweat to the drainage. It’s not fun to be a leaky faucet. In fact, I find it to be quite a miserable experience and pray that one day soon the pipes will get fixed.

PS: If you are a male and you read this article, I do apologize, but I warned you in the beginning not to. Silly boys, this blog is for girls. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Newborn Diaries: Chapter 1 Someone Should Have Told Me

No one tells you about the dark side. Everyone gets so excited and tells you how much you will love your little baby. “Aren’t you so excited?” they ask. Well, yes, I was.

Then it came.

I left the hospital in a state of excited exhaustion. The first week went great! I was exhausted, but content to rise every 2-3 hours to feed my little one. The adrenaline kept me going, even though every inch of my body hurt and I could barely move.

Then it came.

I hit the wall. One week in exactly, my adrenaline crashed and I could focus on nothing but the exhaustion and pain. I could barely walk, getting out of bed or off the couch required the assistance of my husband, I was leaking from every end imaginable (more on that later) and I ached like I had been hit by a truck. Twice.Hit at least twice.

Then it came.

I got thrush, which I inevitably gave to my baby. My baby wanted to be fed every 45 minutes, which meant I bled and cried every 45 minutes. Yes, every 45 minutes my cracked milk makers were producing enough blood to make a girl want to scream.

Then it came.

I got the baby blues. I had never even heard of the baby blues, until I got so depressed I thought I had post-partum. I cried constantly, kept wondering “What have I done?” and could not attach to my baby. It got so bad, my husband rented Breaking Dawn, from the Twilight series, (which he hates) to cheer me up. I sobbed the entire first 20 minutes of the movie.

Then it came.

Eventually, it started to get better, which is why I’m writing these Newborn Diaries. Each entry is a way for me to reflect and relax. I can process the day, look back and laugh. I hope that each entry strengthens other mommies to make it through their day and know they aren’t alone. But, I’m telling you folks, it’s not all coos and giggles.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I’m Normal Again –Also Known As- I’m Still Pregnant, But At Least I’m Awake For Once

It’s a glorious feeling, being normal! Normal people take normal things for granted, but when you’re pregnant for 9 months and one day suddenly realize you are actually awake, it’s an extraordinary thing to feel normal again!

For instance, normal people can carry on coherent conversations with other adults! I forgot what it felt like to actually listen and comprehend what other people say.

Even better than that, normal people actually remember what happens to them throughout the day!

Normal people can share about their day. (This does not mean that others will be excited to listen to you or talk to you for that matter, but hey, you can annoy them if you want to b/c you are awake!)

Normal people can brush their teeth, shower, make the bed, get dressed, fix their hair and apply make-up without having to take 5 minute breaks in between each activity!

Normal people can wash, dry and style their hair without passing out from exhaustion! And they don’t have to wake up two hours early b/c they know they will need a nap before they can exert any more energy to actually leave the house.

Normal people walk (not stumble) through the door, hang their keys up and DON’T fall asleep on the first piece of furniture in reach!

Normal people go on dates at 7pm instead of 4pm because….. they are still awake! Did you know that it’s dark at 7pm and other people are actually in restaurants on dates too? You might actually have to wait for a seat if you’re crazy enough to go on a date that late!

Normal people can do more than just dinner for a date! Why, you ask??? Because you are still awake!!! Now, after 9 months of exhaustion, you may not remember what people do on dates besides eat, but the point is, that if you can think of something else to do, you could actually do it!

Normal people can still breathe after 3 bites of food and more than likely won’t have indigestion!

Normal people can go grocery shopping and NOT run out of breath between the parking lot and the front door of the store!

And last, but not least, normal people get in bed at night and sleep! They only wake up every 3 hours to pee, instead of every 20 minutes! (I know, I know, that’s still not normal, but sue me people, I’m STILL pregnant!)

So, bring on the dropping baby! Long live the nesting period or as I am affectionately calling it, the “I’m normal again!” period!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

It's A Man's World

10 Reasons Why My HUSBAND Loves Target (and why I love my husband)

1. The bathroom is in the FRONT of the store. You can use it on your way in the store or on your way out.

2. It smells good. And I quote "It feels like I'm going to the movies!"

3. There are PEOPLE who ACTUALLY work the registers to check me out, so lines aren't long.

4. There are people who work OUTSIDE the registers to help me when I need help.

5. It's really cheap.

6.  I know where stuff is. It's easy for me to find and guess what? If I can't find it, there's someone to help me find it!

7. It's a much nicer atmosphere. When I walk in, I feel like I am in an art gallery and I don't get harassed by weird people. Yes, that was a cheap shot at the Wal-Mart greeter.

8. There aren't usually a lot of people there, so I can get in and out quickly.  

9. I can usually park within 50 feet of the front door and don't have to wear exercise clothes get in, through and out the store. I appreciate shopping in a store that doesn't feel like an obstacle course!

10. Did I mention it was really cheap???

Monday, February 13, 2012

Things I Hope My Little One Doesn't Hate

Dear Little Bambino,

As I eagerly await your arrival, I’ve thought of things I really hope you don’t hate in life. If you do, it’s okay, I hated and still hate many things my parents love, and for that matter things your own father loves. However, if you feel the urge to follow your mother’s advice (as you should), below are things it would be tragic for you to miss out on.

1. Peanut Butter-I really hope you aren’t allergic because, well, that would just be SAD.

2. Football-I used to hate sports and would never force you to play, but let’s just say you would have a #1 fan for the rest of your life. So, please, at least watch the game with me on Sundays??? Either way, I’ve already decided you will have a football and/or cheerleader outfit (depending on your gender) within the first year of life. Maybe that photo will tide me over the rest of your years. :)

3. Country Music-Your father is not a fan, but you will realize one day that there is nothing better for a long road trip then good ole country music.

4. Sweet Tea-Your father and his family will try to convince you that real tea is unsweetened tea and we will both drink it to be polite, but let’s be real here, SWEET TEA is the ONLY tea!

5. Reading-I swear that intelligence is increased by reading. Reading for pleasure, reading for school (not that they are foes), it doesn’t matter. Reading will increase your vocabulary and develop your critical thinking skills. Please read; we really don’t want you to be a dummy.

6. Carbs-Pasta and bread, yum! Everything in moderation. :)

7. Tug-Who wouldn’t love him? We do hope he loves and treats you kindly. In return, no pulling on his tail or trying to wash him in the washing machine!!!

8. Camping-Feel free to hate it. Please do. I HATE camping and if you could request as few camping trips as possible, it would make mommy very happy.

9. Culture-God created a world full of many countries, cultures and languages. Embrace them; you won’t regret it. You might even find a passion; I did. PS: It’s okay if you don’t like the food; I tend to have an aversion to that part.

10. Shopping (Frugal Shopping)-I do few things better. It would be wise of you to learn how now or at least learn to suck it up and pretend; that’s what your father does. :)

Until we meet, I will continue to think of things I hope you love! And if you don’t love them all, it’s okay! I’m sure you will find something even better!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

3rd Trimester Trivia

Physical conditions of the third trimester have led me to ask many questions, like:

1- Why is my ankle the size of a giant softball? There really is nothing else to say about this one, other than please don't look at my knees, legs or feet. You might wonder if I borrowed my lower body parts from King Kong. Don't worry Greensboro, I promise not to climb on the downtown skyscrapers or crush your home. I can barely get my fat feet out of bed.

2-Why do I feel like I need diapers? How can it be humanly possible to pee so much? I'm really starting to wonder if Depends largest customer base is pregnant women.

3-Why is Harris Teeter the only store with "Expectant Mother" parking? Don't they know that as an expectant mother, I can't afford to shop or park there anyway? And why don't wholesale stores, like Costco, have "Expectant Mother" parking? They know I'm forced to shop there for the 900 baby wipes at the everyday low price of $19.99 anyway!!!

4-Why don't stores have special chairs for pregnant women? Infants get a special seat in the cart. The elderly and disabled get their own wheelchair/shopping cart. Pregnant women proceed to pant around the store until other patrons wonder if they are just that out of shape or going into labor. Rather than have my water break all over aisle 9, I would be content to drive and shop in one of your wheelchairs with a mommy-size shopping cart, b/c let's be honest, those little baskets aren't going to cut it.

5- Why do people (a.k.a. husbands and live-in sisters) think it's okay to use the pregnant woman as an excuse for their snack cravings? You can say that the brownies are for me as much as you want, but you're still the one eating them. And speaking of eating brownies, if you plan on eating them, you better eat them soon or they might really end up being for me. :)

6-What makes a classroom full of 30 teenagers think that just because I now am a mom, I'm their mom? Don't leave your trash on my floor, scissors on my desk or your homework in my room. I'm not your mom or your maid! Even if I was, I can't bend over to pick it up b/c we both know I might not be able to get back up! Come to think of it, that might be their goal.

7-What makes 16 year old boys think it's acceptable to rub a teacher's belly and yell out "That's my son!" while pointing at me in the hallway? Do you really think I can't kick your butt pregnant, because if anything the pregnancy hormones just make me crazier. I. Will. Take. You. Out.

8-Why does my baby only like to move at night when I want to sleep? Why does my husband like to instigate these movements by pressing on the baby over and over so that he or she keeps kicking back? It’s a revolving tennis match in there. Are they plotting against me already?

9-How can a body be so tired, yet unable to sleep? Don’t tell me it’s b/c I’m mentally awake. Trust me when I say there is nothing mentally awake about this pregnant woman, day or night.

10-Why do I think anybody else cares? Time for a brownie.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fit for a Baby??

Seven things we do with babies that we wouldn't do with anyone else.

1. The Jungle Theme.

At no other time in your life is it acceptable or advised to play or sleep with elephants, lions and monkeys, but for an infant it’s okay, in fact we think it’s cute.

2. Ocean Friends

Life guards advise swimmers to stay out of the ocean at the sign of sharks, killer whales and octopus. Moms let their children make friends with these ocean predators during bath time.

3. Plastic Chew Toys…Er…Pacifiers

Every mom tells the babysitter to make sure little Johnny doesn’t put any small plastic toys in his mouth; he might choke on them. But, if you can’t get him to fall asleep, put that small plastic pacifier in there!

4. The Leash

Don’t want your child to behave like a wild animal in the store? Treat him/her like one; put them on a leash while you walk around Wal-Mart!

5. Video Surveillance Cameras

For anyone other than a baby it would be considered strange and inappropriate to have a 24-7 surveillance camera tracking your every move (especially in the bedroom), but for infants it’s a necessary safety measure.

6. Sports in the House

Once they hit a certain age, it is absolutely not okay to play sports in the house. However, if you are between the ages of 1-3, we beg you to please roll, toss and catch the ball in the house!! If you’re very talented, and daddy is very lucky, you will even learn how to play golf indoors with those cute little plastic clubs!

7. Running Around in the Nude

Is against the law, but if you are a baby mommy will take a picture and post it on Facebook.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Toaster Strudel of the Day

Raging hormones have hit me. I managed to surpass most of them so far throughout this pregnancy. However, as the third trimester hits and I close in on a due date, I periodically go psycho.  I temporarily lose my mind. There is no tornado watch or warning, it just hits. One moment I'm eating a breakfast pastry, the next moment my hands are shaking and all of a sudden I am highly frustrated and angry with something. What I'm frustrated or angry about no one knows, but the cream cheese frosting on my pastry is now all over my black shirt.

 I'm in the grocery store looking for brownies. They don't have the brownies I want. I came for something else, but don't know what. Oh, yeah. Lunch. What do you want for lunch, my husband asks me. I don't know. What did you come in here for? Brownies, bread and something for lunch. We circle the entire grocery store aimlessly, while I become quite flustered that they don't have the brownies. What do you want to eat? I don't know what I  want to eat. What about this? What about that? No, no, no! I don't know what I want to eat; I just know I don't want that. And why don't they have the brownies? I begin to become highly anxious about eating lunch. I'm on the verge of tears. Now, I'm searching for bread. Why is it so expensive? That's twice what I would pay somewhere else. Now, I'm not getting brownies or bread. Jamie, what are we going to get for lunch? He asks again. I don't know. Will you please stop asking me what I want to eat for lunch? He walks out of the store. I follow. In the car I start to sob. Amidst my anguished tears I am moaning that I don't know why I'm crying. I don't know why I'm so upset. I have no idea what I want to eat. The thought of deciding makes me hysterical. Please don't ask me again. Just make a decision for me. What is wrong with me? Why am I so upset? I feel like a pyscho and a loser. His response: It's your "Toaster Strudel of trhe Day" moment. Huh? What are you talking about? You have these once a day now. It's just because you're pregnant. You are not psycho or a loser. I have these once a day? Really? Yes, he says while laughing.

And thus begins the new phase of my life-"Toaster Strudel of the Day Moments."

Friday, January 20, 2012

How I Became the CVS Bandit

Any pregnant woman knows that you can only take certain medications for the safety of your unborn child.  So, when you are sick, it’s extra important to make sure you buy the right kind. That’s why, when I ran out of Robitussin today, I carried my old bottle with me into the store. Just as I reached the cold medicine aisle of CVS, an announcement for security to scan all aisles was made. I thought to myself “Hmm…I wonder what they are taking and if it’s some teenager since school is closed?” I stare for a while at the six different Robitussin bottles on the shelf, looking back and forth between my Target-brand bottle and theirs, trying to find the same kind. I finally find the right one and realize it is $10.79 for the CVS brand!
Just then, I look up at the pharmacy and realize the pharmacist is staring at me. In my innocent naivete, I think “He’s probably wondering if I need help because I keep staring at the bottle in my hand versus theirs.” I debate for a few seconds whether I want instant cold relief at the abuse of my wallet or delayed cough suppression at the relief of my wallet. Like any sane, poor person, I decide I can wait.
 As I leave the store and get in my car, I realize a CVS employee has followed me out of the store and is staring at me in my car. I sit for a second and think “Is the person that stole something nearby?" I look around the parking lot and realize I am the only person there. So, I look back at her and realize she’s still staring at me. I think, “Does she think I stole something?” I sit in my car, waiting to see if she is going to walk over and address me. The whole time I’m thinking “How is she going to feel when she realizes all I have is my Up & Up brand of empty cough syrup?” Finally, after realizing she’s not moving, just staring, I decide “Maybe she isn’t looking at me. After all, I didn’t steal anything and I walked in the store with the bottle in hand, clearly out in the open. I’m just being paranoid.” As I reverse the car and turn out of the parking lot, I catch her writing down my license number!! I think to myself, “Does she seriously think I stole something?”
I can just read the “Wanted” headlines now: “Pregnant, Sick Woman Flees Store, Coughing with Stolen Robitussin!” I mean, “Really? You’re selling store brand Robitussin for $10.79 a bottle when Target has it for $4.04!! Who’s really getting robbed here?”

Monday, January 9, 2012

Journeying with Jamie: The Living Frugal Edition

Grocery Tips for Frugal Living

1. Create a meal plan. My number one recommendation for anyone living on a budget is to create a meal plan. Don’t go to the grocery store unless you know what you are going to buy and all of those items on the list can make a healthy dinner. Yes, it is time consuming at first, but if you make a list of meals in advance you don’t spend countless hours walking up and down the aisles trying to decide what looks good for dinner, make several trips to and from the store in one week because you don’t have all the ingredients or worse, eat out because you have nothing to make! I promise you will save time and money! lNeed new recipe ideas? Ask a friend or visit my favorite recipe site Allrecipes.com!

2. Aldi. Everyone needs to know where their local Aldi is; and I pray you have one! Not only do they offer great products at the best value, but because options are limited you won’t spend hours in the grocery store trying to decide which of the ten different tomato paste brands to buy. Tomato paste is tomato paste people; why pay an extra 50 cents for a cuter can??

3. Realistic Recipes. Earlier I mentioned my favorite recipe site, Allrecipes.com. Everyone loves to try new dishes, but many of us make the mistake of adding unrealistic recipes to our cooking repertoire. If the goal is to make more meals at home and save money, then we need to choose recipes that we actually have the time to make and the ingredients on hand. Try to select recipes with ingredients that you know are staples in your household. Then you aren’t spending time and money on meals that your family may or may not enjoy.

4. Price List. This tip comes from a fellow frugalista at my church. Take a trip through your most frequented grocery stores and make a price comparison list (on absolutely everything you might by.) Then, you will honestly know where to get the best deals!

5. Use What You Have! How many of us are guilty of looking in the refrigerator and saying we have nothing to make for dinner, even though our cabinets are overflowing from previous grocery purchases? Stop shopping until your refrigerator drawers and cabinet shelves really are empty! Get creative and throw together some meals with the ingredients you have. Many online recipe sites will give you the option of listing the ingredients you want to use and they will compile a list of delicious dinner options for you!

6. Coupons. You don’t have to go coupon crazy to value the dollars saved. Clip coupons and check out online coupon sites to save a few extra dollars. Many stores now have coupon kiosks that will print new coupons every few days. Scan your card and start to save. (Stay tuned for a later post on how to value the coupon without having to become a guest star on a reality coupon TV. show.)

7. Don’t fall for the “Sale!” signs. Now, I love a good sale as much as anyone, especially on clothes or anything in my local Target, but most of the time the “sale” is just a ruse to get you to buy something you weren’t planning on buying anyway! If you really were going to buy 10 boxes of Hamburger Helper, then by all means, hit up that 10 for $10 sale, but if it wasn’t on your list to begin with don’t buy it!

8. Don’t Craving Shop! All of us do it. You’re driving home from work and your craving homemade lasagna or a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Don’t do it. Don’t pull in to the grocery store parking lot and buy that craving, even if it is a dinner craving as opposed to a snack craving. Neither are on the meal plan, both are temporary and both, alas, cost you extra money that won’t be well spent!

9. Limit the snacks. Make a list of the snacks you and your family enjoy and limit which ones you are planning on buying. You don’t have to buy every snack you like, save some for the next trip. You spend and spoil less!

10. That Old Adage. Everyone knows it, but we still all do it. Don’t go to the grocery store hungry. By the end of the trip you will have bought every item in sight, won’t want to eat a single one of them by the time you get home because you will be so tired and hungry that you stopped at old faithful on the way home anyway: Mickey D’s!