10 Reasons Why My HUSBAND Loves Target (and why I love my husband)
1. The bathroom is in the FRONT of the store. You can use it on your way in the store or on your way out.
2. It smells good. And I quote "It feels like I'm going to the movies!"
3. There are PEOPLE who ACTUALLY work the registers to check me out, so lines aren't long.
4. There are people who work OUTSIDE the registers to help me when I need help.
5. It's really cheap.
6. I know where stuff is. It's easy for me to find and guess what? If I can't find it, there's someone to help me find it!
7. It's a much nicer atmosphere. When I walk in, I feel like I am in an art gallery and I don't get harassed by weird people. Yes, that was a cheap shot at the Wal-Mart greeter.
8. There aren't usually a lot of people there, so I can get in and out quickly.
9. I can usually park within 50 feet of the front door and don't have to wear exercise clothes get in, through and out the store. I appreciate shopping in a store that doesn't feel like an obstacle course!
10. Did I mention it was really cheap???
OK...I agree with every except points 5 and 10. Only exception: 90% off holiday clearance.