Saturday, February 25, 2012

I’m Normal Again –Also Known As- I’m Still Pregnant, But At Least I’m Awake For Once

It’s a glorious feeling, being normal! Normal people take normal things for granted, but when you’re pregnant for 9 months and one day suddenly realize you are actually awake, it’s an extraordinary thing to feel normal again!

For instance, normal people can carry on coherent conversations with other adults! I forgot what it felt like to actually listen and comprehend what other people say.

Even better than that, normal people actually remember what happens to them throughout the day!

Normal people can share about their day. (This does not mean that others will be excited to listen to you or talk to you for that matter, but hey, you can annoy them if you want to b/c you are awake!)

Normal people can brush their teeth, shower, make the bed, get dressed, fix their hair and apply make-up without having to take 5 minute breaks in between each activity!

Normal people can wash, dry and style their hair without passing out from exhaustion! And they don’t have to wake up two hours early b/c they know they will need a nap before they can exert any more energy to actually leave the house.

Normal people walk (not stumble) through the door, hang their keys up and DON’T fall asleep on the first piece of furniture in reach!

Normal people go on dates at 7pm instead of 4pm because….. they are still awake! Did you know that it’s dark at 7pm and other people are actually in restaurants on dates too? You might actually have to wait for a seat if you’re crazy enough to go on a date that late!

Normal people can do more than just dinner for a date! Why, you ask??? Because you are still awake!!! Now, after 9 months of exhaustion, you may not remember what people do on dates besides eat, but the point is, that if you can think of something else to do, you could actually do it!

Normal people can still breathe after 3 bites of food and more than likely won’t have indigestion!

Normal people can go grocery shopping and NOT run out of breath between the parking lot and the front door of the store!

And last, but not least, normal people get in bed at night and sleep! They only wake up every 3 hours to pee, instead of every 20 minutes! (I know, I know, that’s still not normal, but sue me people, I’m STILL pregnant!)

So, bring on the dropping baby! Long live the nesting period or as I am affectionately calling it, the “I’m normal again!” period!

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