I love my job! I really do. I know that may be hard to believe because so many of us usually hate our job, but I am blessed enough right now to love what I do. Now, don’t get me wrong it has been a long road to get to this place of beauty. Three years ago I was ready to quit teaching and go work in a coffee shop somewhere. I spent four years in college wondering why I was majoring in English Education in the first place. Teaching? Me? Isn’t there something bigger or better out there that I could do? Not that teaching isn’t a noble career, but for me??? Really??
Well, five years in and a second teaching license later, I am SO thankful that my whiny, questioning and feeble obedience has led me here. I am thankful that God constantly proves to me that HE really does know better. Four years ago, I aimlessly begin voluntarily teaching English as a Second Language classes. Now I do it full time, 40-55 hours a week and I LOVE IT!
I love waking up in the morning and looking forward to the day ahead of me. I love driving half an hour to get to my school, praying for the day God has laid before me and joyfully anticipating the students I will see. I love walking in the door of my school and smiling and waving at my students as they eat breakfast and I sign in. I love standing at my door screaming “Good Morning ________!” at the top of my lungs even though they are still several feet away down the hall. I love my pathetic and humorous attempts to greet them in their language and the joyful laughter that flows from them in response.
I love the smile that appears when they see me in the hall or when I visit their other classes. I love the overwhelming feeling I get during lunch tutorial when there are twenty of them and only one of me. I love the panic and mayhem that occurs when I realize I still haven’t run my copies, I never ate lunch, I never called the hospital to help them schedule an appointment, my to do list is still 5 pages too long, but it’s too late because 3rd block started five minutes ago!
I love the feeling of accomplishment I get when another class has come and gone and not only did they learn something, but they actually enjoyed it! I love the student who brings me to my wits end, only challenging me to be that much better the next day. I love that I teach the rare student who says “thank you.” I love that at the end of the day, work unfinished and exhausted, I look forward to facing the next day. I love that I carry my children home with me, exhausting my husband with all of my crazy stories. I love that thinking about them while I write this blog makes me smile. So, yes, I do love my job.
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind can imagine what God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9
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